Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Staying home
In the last few hours of 2013 I've decided to stay in Oklahoma and enjoy the life I've built. Happy New Year, Sam! 🎉
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Thursday, December 26, 2013
I hope you had as good a Christmas as I! I am in the wilds of Montana surrounded by nature with amazing family and friends; and I couldn't be happier! All my Christmas wishes came true!! I got my Ugg boots with black satin bows and the three pieces of Swarovski I have dreamed about forever. Best Christmas to date no doubt.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
My last letter I wrote to my mom
Mom's Letter
My dearest Mom, As I sit here with the river behind me I think back to all the times we laughed, and all the memories we have made together. I know you think things were hard, and some times they were, but no life is without it’s challenges. It is my belief that our character is forged from those challenges that are overcome. You have described incidents in your life that were often quite difficult to deal with, but here you are, in all your strength and wisdom. I know in my travels, I have never met a more resilient woman, who on her own steam was able to survive only on strength and resolve. Think to yourself as you sit here reading this letter all of it, childhood, your teenage years, young adulthood, and now here in the twilight you did it, you made it, and it is my belief your reward awaits you. Not one of us knows what waits beyond, we all have an idea sure, but no one man really knows. All my life growing up with my father all I ever heard was what an amazing woman you are, and how beautiful. My father loved you with his whole heart for his whole life, and in the end there was a peace there between you, an understanding if you will. I know you worry about me, and nothing I say here can relieve any of the fears you may have about what the future may hold for me, but with the tools you and dad bestowed upon me I too will be able to overcome any obstacles that may present themselves.
I am your daughter and I am very much like you, and I will take your lead, and learn from the mistakes you made, so that I do not have to go through the same thing only to learn the same lessons. Something that is very important to me that you believe to be true in your heart is this, I will forever treasure this time we had together, I needed it, we needed it, I know you think I didn’t have fun, but that wasn’t really why I was here, I was here to love you mom, and I hope you felt that. I was happy just to have this time, and I will never ever forget it! My solemn vows to you are these; to try and slow down and enjoy my surroundings and not try to rush through life as if it is a race. I will try and stay positive in all things and actions. I will try to live up to the ideals of you and dad, taking only the best to heart. I will listen to you in my dreams, when you try to council me through old memories and words. I will remember the passion you displayed in every aspect of your life, and try to mirror it. I will as you so often did, add to the beauty of my environment with my talents, be it gardening or otherwise.
I will try to learn to appreciate the fine art and beauty and peace that is cooking. I will attempt to read more, and take the time to try and see others perspectives as well as my own. I will make an honest effort to make fudge for the family on the holidays. I will think of you when I see a kite flying in the beautiful blue sky; and on Valentines Day when you would make such a big deal and we went to Charlie Brown’s for dinner and you bought me books and a plant and chocolate. When we went to Benihana’s just you and I. All the dance classes you took me to and horse camp you always supported my dreams no matter what they were. I admire so much of who you are, and what you have done and accomplished in life, and it never matters what in the end you owned, or what kind of car you drove, or how much was in your bank account, all that matters is that you lived, you loved and you laughed, and that you were loved. It seems so simple, but it is I believe, so true.
I hope throughout your journey in life, you will never forget how much I love you, and respect you, and my thoughts and prayers are always with you. I pray our God in heaven will keep you and bless you always. Heaven awaits this much I know, I know who I will see when I get there, (my dream dinner as I call it) my favorite foods, and all my favorite people; Mariah, the little girl we lost to SIDS, Grand Pa Tony, Aunt Ruth, Aunt Emma, Grandma Best, and Dad, and when our time comes, you and I. You have given me so many precious gifts I will carry with me always. I hope this letter will express to you all my love, my whole heart for my whole life.
Love, Samara (Munchkin) Sam Sant
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
My dream guy will
text me good morning and sweet dreams and good night.
text me "Made it" when he gets to work; and "Free" when he leaves his work so I know to worry if I hear about a wreck on his way.
Let me borrow his socks out of his drawer and he'll check for spiders and not laugh or roll his eyes that he ALWAYS has to check EVERYTHING for spiders for me.
put said socks on my feet and rub both of my feet when he is finished just for good measure.
Let me borrow his comfy tee-shirt and butter soft work out pants to sleep in when I stay over.
He will take my hand and lead me to the bedroom when he's ready for bed.
He'll kiss me, often.
He'll tell me he likes me because that is as important as I love you and he knows that about me already.
He'll let me have the shower head first and stand in the cold waiting for me.
He'll close the bathroom door so when I get out of the shower I won't freeze.
He'll hold my hand in the truck or in public when it's appropriate.
He'll bring my lunch up to work just to visit with me and make sure I eat.
He'll cook/grill for me.
He'll know I want to run his errands with him JUST to spend time in his presence and not get mad.
He'll tell me if my butt looks cute in those jeans or not.
He'll record my Sunday shows on his dvr even when I am not there to watch them because he knows I'll want to watch them to fall asleep to the next time I stay over.
He'll be goofy sometimes and let me be goofy all the time.
He'll make sure I am safe in a parking lot or busy street.
He'll teach me things I don't know, and not make fun of me for not knowing everything.
He'll make me feel like he wouldn't want to be anywhere else but there with me.
So that's my "list", that's what I have taken from 19 years of dating.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Self evident
I know that I am honest; be it good, bad or indifferent.
I know I can be trusted with money, secrets and hearts.
I know I don't hurt others intentionally, and if I do accidentally I ask for, and hope for a chance to correct it once I realize there is an issue.
I know I don't speak hurtful words on purpose to inflict pain or cause anger but sometimes when I feel the need to defend myself I do get a bit..hot and like any person can lash out without thought.
I know I like to talk things out and not shut down, I want to resolve conflict when and where I can in my personal relationships.
I don't like drama and want to make someone who is upset laugh or smile, with me or at me I don't mind.
I know I come from a good and loving place in actions and deeds and anyone in my life that has known me for a day or more will tell you I am basically a decent, hard working, tender woman who is loyal and kind that just wants one person to commit to, and spend our lives together making memories.
I don't need someone to pay my bills, or buy me things, or take me places, I just need the time we spend together to be full of love and laughter and really great "lovin".
If we hit a bump I want to be worth it to you to stick around and fix it, not be written off like I never mattered and I'm not worth the time required to smooth it over.
If I make a mistake or say something I ought not, trust and believe I will make amends before the sun sets, because I only want peace between me and the people I truly care for.
I know I won't beg anyone to love or care for me, or for their time or affection, not anymore, not again.
I am not perfect, I have many flaws but some day someone who is patient, will see that in my heart I have all the love and affection in the world to give.
I will make you feel like the only person in the world for me.
I won't make you doubt for a second that I find you desirable and irresistible, that my life is moments between touching you.
You won't worry about me wanting to be with someone else because you'll know, I am only ever EXACTLY where I want to be because I DON'T need you....
I want you, just you, forever.
Still and always.
I was finally able to go and watch Riddick one of my favorite movie franchises of all time and it was really a good movie. I got to hang out with a friend I hadn't seen in forever and we had a really good time. I had a little too much fun at Victoria's s
Secret yesterday but I've been working really hard and felt like I deserved a little treat. I volunteered for some extra shifts this week at BBW and hope to transfer this weekend to Woodland.
One thing I realized this weekend is; life is what happens when you're busy making plans so I've decided to take each day as it comes and not try to plan every last second of my life.
Spontaneity can be a very good thing.
Most importantly I learned that McNellie's makes an amazing Swiss and bacon char burger!
Friday, September 13, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
My new collection
First purchase in my obsession with all things Angel, they weigh a ton. Now where to hang them until I move or should I just pack them up and wait until next year? Hmm
Friday, August 30, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Ah books
I have a new book, and you all know nothing makes me happier than when I delve into a new adventure!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Monday, August 12, 2013
Fantastic weekend
I had a great weekend, rest and relaxation and planning; and I got to see my short people. What matters to me is making the most of my time and valuing every moment with the people I love the most and not wasting another second on people who don't appreciate or want time with me.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Angel Series I recommend
Author: Nalini Singh
Name of Series: Guild Hunter
Series in order:
1. Angels’ Blood
2. Archangel's Kiss
2. Archangel's Kiss
3. Archangel's Consort
4. Archangel's Blade
5. Archangel's Storm
6. Archangel's Legion
Author: Patricia Briggs
Name of Series: Mercy Thompson
Series in order:
Author: Laury Falter
Name of Series: Guardian Trilogy
Series in order:
Author: Lauren Kate
Name of Series: Fallen
Series in order:
Author: Susan Ee
Name of Series: Penryn & the End of Days
Series in order:
World After
Author: Cameo Renae
Name of Series: Hidden Wing Series
Series in order:
Hidden Wings
Broken Wings
Author: Kristie Cook
Name of Series: Soul Savers
Series in order:
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy
Name of Series: The Crescent Chronicles
Series in order:
Author: Becca Fitzpatrick
Name of Series: The Hush, Hush Saga
Series in order:
Author: S.J. West
Name of Series: The Watchers
Series in order:
Author: Shelly Crane
Name of Series: A Significance Novel
Series in order:
Author: Lucy Swing
Name of Series: Feathermore
Series in order:
Author: L.P. Swalheim
Name of Series: Angelic Series
Series in order:
Author: Addison Moore
Name of Series: Celestra Series
Series in order:
Toxic Part One
Toxic Part Two
Author: Amy Bartol
Name of Series: The Premonition Series
Series in order:
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013
It finally arrived!! First up will be Canada,Saskatchewan and then British Columbia! I am THRILLED!
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Totally baked
I didn't give into temptation last night but in case I get a craving that bad again this morning I went and bought baked scoops to try.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Isaak Walton Essex, Montana
Since I am arriving in Helena, Montana three days early my friend Billie decided to give me one of my Christmas presents early and we are going to stay at the Isaac Walton Lodge in Essex, Montana in Glacier National Park! As guests at the lodge you are able to stay in a train engine or a train car or a cabin so that will be way cool there are no television on property there is no cell phone service for 30 miles the nearest city is 45 minutes away and there is Wi-Fi only available in the lodge bar, so I will definitely be unplugged 12/20-12-23.
Our itinerary is already scheduled we will be going cross country skiing, snowshoeing, horseback riding and sleigh riding, a ski instructor is going to be available for skiing lessons as well.
This vacation is turning into the most amazing trip ever I guess making up for my lack of vacations ever in my life so unbelievably excited!
Off to bed since I have to be at the gym at 5 AM I love the swimming pool and the hot tub!
Happy 20th Birthday Christopher
Written in 1993 by Samara Sant
I had to leave you yesterday,
I'm sorry but I'm sure it will be better this way.
I love you, I really do, but the very best is what I want for you.
I know this is right in the eyes of our Heavenly Father above; You see I couldn't give you you Earthly father's love.
I guess I knew from the very start, that after nine months we'd finally part, but when I saw your perfect body, your beautiful face, and those eyes, I began to think and realize; "he's mine, all mine, my baby".
But again I was aware and truly knew, that giving you up would be the best thing to do.
I want you to know you will always be "my number one", always you will be "my first, my son".
And although we may end up, from each other far away, never will my love for you stray.
And now you will go to your new father and mother, and yes I may someday get married and have another,
but yesterday, when I walked through that door,
I knew and know,
I'll love you forever, and ever more.
Samara Sant
20 years ago today
Happy 20th birthday Christopher! May all your birthday wishes and dreams come true! I hope one day you get in touch with me because I would love to get to know the man you've become. I think of you every second of every day and I miss you very much. I hope college is going well. I love you beyond measure.
Your Birth Mom,
Friday, July 5, 2013
Spinning = Pain
I took my first spinning class RPM today at 5:15 a.m. and I went in totally pumped up and ready to "kick the jam" as I say, and I totally got my butt handed to me! Here's what you need to have before your first spinning class, specially designed cycling shoes (otherwise your feet constantly fall out of the tiny little foot holsters like mine did, shorts with padding for the nether regions (especially for a woman) because the cycles seats are clearly designed for men, and a towel and a bottle of water. I am in so much pain right now, every inch of me hurts.
My solution to the pain I am in is to go back to the gym and swim tonight and then hit the hot tub right next to the pool! There's class I want to try out tonight called BodyCombat and it's an empowering cardio workout inspired by martial arts and draws moves from Kickboxing, Karate, Taekwondo, Tai Chi, and Muay Thai.
All I can focus on now is work and the gym and getting ready for my move, it's like going home, but to a home I've never been to before but that I know will make me happy and content. Helena is my lighthouse and I am just traversing the sea and knowing that; yes the voyage is long but the destination and homecoming is infinitely worth the trip. This weekend you can find me in my Tulsa or Broken Arrow gym!
My solution to the pain I am in is to go back to the gym and swim tonight and then hit the hot tub right next to the pool! There's class I want to try out tonight called BodyCombat and it's an empowering cardio workout inspired by martial arts and draws moves from Kickboxing, Karate, Taekwondo, Tai Chi, and Muay Thai.
All I can focus on now is work and the gym and getting ready for my move, it's like going home, but to a home I've never been to before but that I know will make me happy and content. Helena is my lighthouse and I am just traversing the sea and knowing that; yes the voyage is long but the destination and homecoming is infinitely worth the trip. This weekend you can find me in my Tulsa or Broken Arrow gym!
Free throw line
For as long as I can remember it is been my goal to make a basket from the free-throw line and this morning at the gym I was able to make shots from the side of the basket off the board into the basket and closer to the basket but not from the free-throw line alas that goal has eluded me I guess I just have to practice more tomorrow morning! I know there are exercises I can do on our full sized basketball court but for the life of me I can't remember what they are. I love my new gym Gold's gym on 71st in Broken Arrow and 71st and Memorial!![]()
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
14 days
I received an email this evening from Delta Airlines telling me that they had changed my plane ticket to such a degree that I would be leaving at 7 AM on Monday on the only flight out to Helena Montana. I would have to take three planes to get to Helena and the same on the return trip just the opposite. The only reason I was going to leave on Monday the 23rd at 5:38 PM was because I had to work that day, buy now I can't work due to the departure time so I called and asked Delta Airlines if they could (at no additional fee of course) change my ticket to leaving on the 20th of December after work at 5:38, and they said it was no problem and they would not charge me to change my ticket so now I will be there two weeks instead of 10 days!!! Right now I am seriously thanking God for unreliable departure times.
I have my first class tonight in Taekwondo from 8-9 and I hope I learn fast! Billie is going to come from Montana just to watch me test for my first belt! No pressure, sheesh. lol I think it's sweet she thinks enough about me to be there for that. Here's the thing one of my friends is 3rd degree in Hapkido, and also 2nd degree in Taekwondo, and my other friend just achieved her black belt not too long ago, so I have a bit of catching up so that when I get to Montana I have a sliver of a clue what they're talking about. I'm excited and am going to count my 6 day a week classes as my 3rd cardio for the day!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
3000 calories a week
I'm working out so hard and I am already seeing significant results. True I'm eating 3,000 calories a week (MAYBE) but it works in conjunction with 3 a day work outs. Steamed broccoli, boiled eggs, plain lean roast beef, baked boneless, skinless chicken breast with just a pinch of garlic salt and I am thinking about adding in bacon and pork chops possibly. No bad carbs, no sugar, no sodium no 7-Up, and all the sacrifice is clearly working. I am really developing into a better version of me, I am really proud of my hard work and dedication and I knew at the beginning of this year that I would change things so drastically I would be practically unrecognizable. I've also decided to go to the salon and have my hair colored a golden wheat color, that I think will flatter my darker complexion. Like the pictures below since both of them have naturally dark hair like myself. I think since my hair will be considerably longer in 6 months I think it'll look beautiful.
I'll be 40 in May next year, I'm going to be in a different time zone, a better place, with people I love and respect and care for more than words; and I am laying the groundwork for some pretty terrific friendships with some new people in the area and networking my butt off! I never put off until tomorrow what I can accomplish today, because if I don't strive for greatness and satisfaction for my household no one else will because lol; it's just me and the cats!
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Montana Diaries on Facebook
I'm networking in Montana already and meeting some great friends! Please check out my friends page on FB entitled Montana Diaries. Time flies when I have kindred spirits in Montana to talk with who have gone on this relocating adventure before me! Some of my new friends and I are talking about starting up a transplant group to go and do things with; I am excited, can you tell?

Saturday, June 29, 2013
I'm trying something new, 45 minute workout in the gym on treadmill and weights and core yoga ball early in the morning as soon as I wake up and then two 20 minute cardio sessions at home throughout the day and evening for a total of three sessions per day or 1 hour and 25 minutes total a day 7 days a week. Steamed broccoli, boiled chicken and lean beef, and eggs and loads of water baby!! #toneandtight
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Big Brother 15
Elissa Slate (one of the new house guests) is Rachel Reilly's sister! This season should get really interesting. What bothers me is that this looks more like the case of the Bachelor or Bachelorette with only one exception upon first glance at the cast bios. Not one cast member is over 37 and all are Caucasian except one African American and one Asian, clearly BB 15 is not going for a range of America, just the 20-30 something Caucasian market. Sad, because I loved Chicken George Boswell (47) and Jerry MacDonald the oldest player to date at 75 who was a retired Marine. One there was a homeless person on Big Brother, you really routed for him, and well I routed for people who seemed like they really needed to win, that weren't there to propel their already blossoming reality career or model or tv career. Give me a Vet (male or female) who's survived a couple of tours abroad, give me a stay at home dad or a Samoan attorney from Washington D.C. To bad I'm not a casting agent, because only unique and colorful people would make it into the house, not cookie cutter models with no depth. Ok rant over. I loved that Ian won last season, my own little Sheldon come to life. I hope to find one contestant this year that has more than one dimension. I'm excited to find out tomorrow.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Yeah so
Someone took issue with me blogging while waiting for my first mammogram and that I shared my anxiety and what exactly took place in the exam room so that in case someone Googled first mammogram experience they would hopefully be led here and that my post would in some way relieve their anxiety and give them a pinch more courage than they had before. I lost my mom to cancer and I had some fear, and I don't think I am the only woman on the planet who put off her first mammo because of it. If you don't like when or where or on what subject I blog please feel free to not revisit this blog, deal? Deal.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
It feels good to me
So I had two trainers come over to my apartment today to come up with a new routine for me for my Monday through Friday work out and it felt really good to do things I hadn't done before and work muscle groups I hadn't explore before; tomorrow morning is going to be fun I can tell. I'm feeling really great with just what I did this afternoon. Sweet dreams dear friends big hug.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Helena Snowdrifters
It's been a minute but I have been very productive with that minute, honest. So my 16 day house sitting odyssey is almost complete; I pick up my boss and her husband Saturday night from the airport then it is home to my own bed and my feline children!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
My Guest house view in Helena come December
If you zoom in you can see the lake. This view will be even more incredible covered with snow! Is it December yet?
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
I won't.
Set your sights high when it comes to investing your heart and soul into a life partner, never settle for second best.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Change of plans
I am headed to Montana for 10 days 12/23 and will be back at noon on the first of January, the tickets have already been purchased and it's a done deal. I can't wait to go, Christmas with a real family where I don't feel like I am intruding or am a burden or a hassle. A real white Christmas morning. I am going horseback riding at sunset and I'm going snowmobiling and on a snow coach before I leave. I'm going to sit on the front porch and enjoy a cup of cocoa curled up with a book and listen to the snow fall in it's heavenly silence.
Friday, May 31, 2013
I felt like it was important for me to share my experience getting my first mammogram, because I put off getting one because I had heard how painful and uncomfortable it was. I had psyched myself out so badly by all these scary stories that I almost didn't walk into the building! I said a little prayer and up I went. I had to fill out a single sheet questionnaire and before I knew it I was whisked to the back to do the financial portion and then sent back to the waiting room where I waited maybe two minutes and then I was taken by the tech to a smallish room with a laptop and a not scary at all looking machine, I was asked to remove my top and put on a smock and then she came back into the room and put a tiny cover over both nipples and took two pictures per breast one front and one side, and then said "you'll get a letter in 7-10 days with results". All told it took eleven minutes from the time she gave me the smock to change into until she showed me out, so that is factoring in changing, so the actual test took maybe 2 minutes if that. The hardest part is waiting for the film to be read and then hearing back. Waiting sucks. So if you're putting off getting the test because you heard it was painful or uncomfortable or took a long time, don't believe a word of it, I felt ZERO pain or discomfort and it was over so fast I couldn't believe it.
Do one thing everyday that scares you.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Six minutes and no pain
I'm headed home the test went flawlessly I think I totally psyched myself out and made myself nervous and anxious it didn't hurt a bit and it was over before I knew it started. Now I just have to wait for the results keep a positive thought.
Super anxious and wish I wasn't alone, lame I know. I'm not sure why I am so afraid of this test.
I have my first mammogram today at 3:45 at St. Francis Breast Center in the Natalie building and I am beyond nervous but it must be done!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Do you hear that?
That's thunder and the sound of raindrops on my window on my birthday! Headed to the mall to get an outfit and then headed to Dave and Busters after my pals get off work so we can go play some serious air hockey, they have this new four sided table I am anxious to try! Until then I'm enjoying all my Amazon gift certificates because my friends clearly know what I like! I'm enjoying 39 so far!
Monday, May 27, 2013
Epic was beautiful.
Even if you don't have children go watch Epic it is a beautiful movie and is entertaining for children and adults alike. I still have another day of vacation! No work until 7:15 Wednesday. This was just what I needed. I really wanted the short people, I guess I can't say that anymore since they're taller than me.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Just got home from watching the fast and the furious and it was an awesome movie the best of the series yet the ending was incredible it is a must see for the summer!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Darn door
Okay so I was at work this morning and I wasn't paying attention and I shut the door on my index finger my nail is now black and blue and purple my finger is throbbing and I've been in pain for hours this has been a sucky day. Thankfully as of 4:30 PM tomorrow afternoon I will be on vacation a much deserved and appreciated vacation.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
I've just bought my tickets to the early release Thursday night of Fast and the Furious part 6 @ 10 p.m. at the BA Cinemark and then a Friday matinee at 10:25 a.m. for Iron Man 3! Tracy's mom sent me a $100 Amazon gift card for my birthday and I bought four books (three I have left in my Significance series and Someday, Someday, Maybe written by Lauren Graham a/k/a Lorelai Gilmore/or Sarah Braverman from Parenthood that you may have heard about on Ellen. and 5 dvd's (Bed of Roses/Pride and Prejudice the BBC version to compliment my Keira Knightley version/BBC The Royal Wedding: William & Catherine/Lifetime's William & Kate miniseries/William & Catherine: A Royal Romance mini-series) so far and I still have money left but I'll save that for my upcoming releases of the series of books I've gotten into that I am waiting for the next to be published. This is shaping up to be a fantastic vacation!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Fast and the Furious part 6
Friday after my mammogram I think I'll take myself to see FF6 to watch Michelle Rodriguez kick some butt!
Vacation here I come!
Friday, May 17, 2013
Star Trek
Excellent movie, I wouldn't have minded watching it at home though! Home and cuddling up with the kittens! Goodnight moon.
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