Friday, April 5, 2013

Ultimate geography

You're lost in a maze.
Which way to turn;
so many choices so many things to consider
What life do you want to live?
Who do you want to live it with?
Is it about you or them?
So much pressure, so much confusion and stress.
Your reality isn't what it once was
and you can't get it back to where it once was,
it's morphed into something new.
You can be anyone you want to be,
Seek the quiet, seek the calm, seek the stillness;
and the answers will come.
You only have one life to live,
I know you want to live it with fewest regrets as possible.
You're loved and respected and cared deeply for.
The support will be there, fear not.
Regardless of what you decide some will stick by you no matter what,
some won't be able to deal unless you choose their way of thinking;
their way of life for you.
You will not be able to please everyone, someone might be so hurt that they are no longer
in your life.
Ultimately it's your choice and you must do what is right and best for you,
and the rest will fall into place.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Fantastic Easter

Thank you to my friends who made this holiday bearable, I had an amazing time today.