Thursday, November 22, 2012

Did you feel that

Waves crashing into me and the undertow casts me further into the sea and away from the haven of the beach; it's alright though; I'm ready. I'm stronger than I thought I was from treading water so long. I'm lost to you now; you couldn't reach me now even if you wanted to. It's ok, look; see? I'm ok.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Excellent question

Is true love hidden in the moments we can't stop remembering, or in those we chose to forget?

Monday, November 19, 2012


It's been an amazing five days!  On Wednesday I made it to the theater to meet my friend for the Breaking Dawn marathon 11 a.m.-12 a.m. and it was, hands down the best movie to date and I will definitely be going to see it again while it's still in theaters.  I had to do some grocery shopping afterwards so that put me home around 1 a.m. Friday morning.  I made it to the TCC campus to take their placement tests and I scored 95 on one and 97 on the other thereby testing OUT of and remedial courses which allowed me to enroll in any course offered!  Who knew?  My theory is that when I did ACTUALLY attend classes, I must have retained more than I thought because the answers were just there in my brain, and I didn't even have to think about it.  Not going to lie, I was more than a little shocked.  I am now enrolled in three Spring 2013 classes for a total 10 credit hours, Medical Terminology online, Human Anatomy and Physiology class at the Metro Campus on Saturday from 8:30-2:20 and lastly Microsoft Office also on the Metro campus on Thursdays 5:30 p.m.-8:20 since I get off work at 4:30.  My goal is to have as many prerequisites done before my real classes start in the Fall of 2013, since the RHIT is by application approval only, but I will know around May when they start their application process if I made it into the program.  I've heard that based on the fact that I am working in this field already I may be able to get work credit, and that would be ideal.

No news from Christopher but I found out he went to Santa Cruz and visited the "Mystery Spot", and he had made comments on it being "trippy", which I found to be funny because that is SUCH a Ted thing to say, but there again it's also a typical Northern California teen saying, so who knows.  Anyway, as I've blogged before Ted and I spent more than our fair share of time NOT in school but hanging out in Santa Cruz, so in a weird way it's comforting to me to know where he is at, and what he likes to do, and that we share that place in common now also, and it would sure be neat to show him around and show him little known or traveled places there on the cliff faces Ted and I discovered together; even when I was pregnant with him. I hope Christopher stays FAR away from certain elements in that area (unlike Ted), but unless you travel in those circles already you aren't likely to run into any problems unless you go looking for them.  I don't know if Christopher just went to hang out, because Santa Cruz is a bit of a drive from Sacramento, or if he is going to college there, (like my cousin Aaron did) or if he is going somewhere else nearby; I sure would like to find out.