Thursday, March 7, 2013

Bold me

I just spent my lunch hour getting my hair completely chopped off and I love it!

Toning tables and the Oz

Sade just really reminds me of my mom, always has, always will.  Moving on, I started working out at Just Ladies Fitness/At The Beach and using their toning beds/tables, and oy vei am I hurting SO bad because I am hitting the gym really hard seven days a week now and I won't let up until I am where I want to be, it's no longer a magic number on a scale but how I feel when I look in the mirror.  My goal is to be healthy and fit and toned by May 28th. so I have 82 days to get where I want to be and surely that shouldn't be an impossible goal to reach.  I'm volunteering again tonight at the annual Seeds conference closing bash at Church On The Move and am really looking forward to it; it was a blast last year.  Tomorrow night me and some of my best pals are headed to the Tulsa Cinemark at 6 for 7 p.m. showing of Oz, and then dinner and dancing afterwards.  I am surviving on steamed vegetables and baked chicken and zero carbs, and no cocktails or 7-Up with dinner.  Sad face.  I am supposed to go see the Oz on Saturday night also with my Nerdy Girls group, so if it's good I WILL see it twice!  Have a good weekend, I know I will.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Not what you're looking for

I've been accused of using my blog to rant about whatever it is that is bothering me, and I guess that is a completely fair accusation.  It's MY blog therefore I write about anything I bloody well please, and you don't have to read it if you don't want to, you can spend your time doing something else right?  I don't force almost 13,000 people to read my blog on average of 60 people per day if I actually write; they do so by choice; just like you.  If you don't care for the subject matter, don't give me something to write about.  I've never named names, just given scenarios and given nicknames merely out of respect for the privacy of the people I am writing about; I don't owe them this courtesy as a writer, I do it as a kindness because that's who I am, I want to vent but I don't want to hurt someone or cause them problems if the wrong person should stumble across my blog.  Again, this is merely something I do out of the kindness of my heart and nothing more, if I did what was deserved I'd name names and post art, but that's never been me, and never will be me because I am not mean, or hateful or cruel and lucky for some, I don't do unto others as they have done unto me, NO I do unto others as I would HAVE done unto me.  To break it down for you, I treat you better than most would in my shoes and you should know that already.  My actions prove who and what I am and what I stand for,

so do yours.

Truer words were never spoken