Our topic of conversation is how many times can you fall in love? I mean we all fall in lust off and on throughout our lives, but the love to which I am referring is the all consuming, no holds barred, unconditional love. What about you, how many times in your life do you believe you've actually fallen completely in love? My follow up is do you ever fall out of that love; or do you simply lose hope that it'll ever reach it's true and full potential, and that love resides in you always? Here's my quandary; my parents met when they were just teenagers in San Francisco, and they fell in love and got married and had my sister and I from that love right? My parents were just kids at the time though, and their youth and environment caused them to part amicably, but I know from growing up with my father that he never, ever stopped loving my mom, she was his true love for life or longer. Eventually my dad remarried and so did my mom and my brother came from that short relationship, but both subsequently divorced and neither married again and both died alone. I know that you can grow to love someone over time, you learn to respect and value that person and their special gifts and characteristics but it is it your true love or a love?
My co-worker and I are very different but we agreed on this one example of my theory: If you brought together in a room her ex and men who favor him in looks, mannerisms, economical status, etc.. that she would inevitably still choose him; even if every man in the room truly loved her, and wanted to be with her forever and give her the life she and her daughter deserve, and spend the time with them that she craves, she would still seek to garner her exes love and acceptance and she would continue to ignore his shortcomings, and constant rejection of her and she would fight to the end and never admit that he simply doesn't see her as his true love therefore dubbing her irrelevant and easily replaced and cast aside for another. Although my co-worker wishes she had control over her feelings for him, and that her mind would get on the same page as her heart and wake up to reality and see that he not only doesn't love her, but he doesn't even like her.
Speaking on a personal level I think I will know when I think of a true love or I know I am going to see my true love whoever that turns out to be, to this very moment in time I will literally have a physical reaction, my body will just respond to the thought of being in close proximity to my true love. Time itself will warp and bend and ceases to progress at it's normal rate, and a hour becomes three; now when I actually SEE my true love, our hour together will be like a second and it's gone before either of us will know it. I will get so caught up, so wrapped up in that ethereal place that exists in our time, in our place that my mind and body will completely relax, and I will know a contentment unparallelled and unmatched and I never want to leave that realm. Yeah, see as I write this I shake my head because I am convincing myself of what I know to be true, you have one true love, and yes you may learn to love another but to feel that pull, that exhilaration, that excitement from just a simple thought or dream or fantasy of your true love, that is reserved for just one person I think, but hey..what do I know?