Monday, February 10, 2014

Planet Fitness

Since I moved from Catoosa I've been looking for a new 24-7 gym that's on my way to work, offers showers, tanning, and classes.  I found all of that and more at Planet Fitness!  On my tour this morning I was introduced to their new state of the art hydromassage beds, and another new piece of equipment Total Body Enhancement; you use every two days for 20 minutes before your work out and has an amazing reputation with physical therapists and dermatologists and personal trainers.  I also can't wait to use their new spa massage chairs that bare NO RESEMBLANCE to nail salon chairs thankfully.  So for $20 a month I can use any location and bring a guest for free and I can drop my month to month with ATB which is starting to nickel and dime their loyal customers.  Total win-win!  

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