I feel off kilter.
I seem not quite whole.
I feel a draw..
a familiar ache
where my heart resides
Every day that passes without a connection
strengthens my belief that I was dreaming
and worse, alone in the dream.
I am constant, nothing changes in my realm but me,
I am growing stronger every day,
but still so weak when it comes to what calls out to my soul.
This is real, it is real for me anyway.
at least I can say I feel, no matter how shattered
how pulverized, how wrecked.
The indifference I sense,
the cruelty displayed in off handed words written
destroys what is left of me.
Still I will persevere, I must; mustn't I?
I will treasure the gifts of friendship, support and hope
that one day it will not hurt quite this badly.
I realized that the pain is gone
That what I felt wasn't real
Wasn't tangible
Was faux
It was a learning opportunity and nothing more.