Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Why wouldn't you?

So my BFF who's dating this guy, who is pretty unavailable, hasn't called or text her in four days.  No Merry Christmas call or text btw either, and no Happy New Year communication either.  I ask you, why?  I love you and you're the love of my life but I cannot be bothered to communicate with you in any of the 24 hours I was given in that day?!  Inaction's speak louder than actions I think.  To be considerate to a lover is not an art form, it should be common sense, if I slept with you in the last month, and you wouldn't mind doing it again, you best pick up the phone and call me or text me or SOMETHING.  As we've already discussed the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference and when you seemingly overlook someone, that causes them to feel insignificant, it may have been a simple oversight on your part, but the painful and hurtful ripple effect that will cause the other person is unmeasurable.  All my Bestie needed was a simple acknowledgement, like "yes I noticed you share the planet with me today", THAT'S IT!  Instead he chose silence and that weapon; has been wielded for centuries in the time honored tradition of making someone else feel like they don't matter to the only person, that matters to them.  Bravo man, bravo.

All I can do is shake my head, because I know this woman, and she is incredible and he is lucky she gives him a second of her time on this planet, but he treats her like she can be replaced in a second.  Trust me when I tell you, each of us, are irreplaceable.  There is only one you, with your own set of unique gifts and traits and no one can be better than you, at being you.

To love someone completely you must first love yourself, and maybe for some that isn't too easy, maybe they don't like what they see in the mirror right now and you get punished for it.  Question of the day is, how long do you let someone you're in love with treat you like you weren't even an afterthought?

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