Monday, December 31, 2012

That's a wrap!

I reached my goal and said my peace, feel free to take the recipes you'd like and I'll be taking my blog down this Friday for good.

I get the feeling you'd rather pine over someone you can never possibly be with than try being with someone you can. City of Ashes excerpt.

1 comment:

  1. What a shame..You have over 10,000 views. Somebody,somewhere, is paying attention to you. Did you ever ask yourself..Is Butter worth this? What did Butter ever sacrifice for you? All the shit you've been through over the years meant absolutely nothing if you're giving it all away and putting up your White Flag. Giving up all future of happiness with someone who loved and put in as much time and effort and passion as you did. Its an amazing feeling. The fight cant be for nothing. You have to keep going.
