Thursday, April 12, 2012

Put them on blast I say..

My best friend who is more like a sister to me than my actual sister just found out this morning, that her boyfriend is not only married but has an entire family tucked away in another state!  This begs the question: Why do people cheat instead of just breaking up or asking for a divorce?  Why cheat on a girlfriend or a boyfriend or a spouse?  Why?  Why can't you just say to the person you no longer care for or are no longer attracted to; "Hey it's just not working for me anymore"?  Why lie, why cheat, why get someone else's feelings wrapped up in your Jerry Springer drama?   
I say finish what you started there, then go find someone else; why do you feel the need to have a back up plan?  Is it because you are too weak to be alone for five minutes?  Let the bed sheets cool for a second; damn.  Self service for a minute you'll survive; trust.  The question on the table is to tell or not to tell the spouse in question.  Would you want to know if your lover was cheating on you?  Do you want to answer that ringing phone?  Check that Facebook message from someone NOT on your friend list?  Answer the ringing doorbell?  Seriously, take a second; is the hell you know better than the hell you don't?  I say "hell yeah I want to know"!  Question is where is the line between vengeance and responsibility?  This guy has kids and a home and a mortgage, yada yada yada, does my best friend have the right to cause an upset in this family?  My concern is how many OTHER girls he has stashed away around the country (he works nationally); and do THOSE girls at least deserve to know they are not the only hen in his coop as my Nana would say?  Again my answer is yes!  Disrupt his/her deleterious behaviour, you owe them no loyalty now.  It's their mess, let them clean it up. 

Here's the thing Cheater:  You are not God's gift!  You are clearly NOT the love of your spouses/gf/bf life or you wouldn't be straying so do them a favor and LEAVE before sleeping with someone else, before making someone else fall in love with you, and trust you and then to ultimately be betrayed by you and suffer the same fate of your last lover.  Think about the collateral damage you are doing especially if children are involved!  What have these people done to you that you think they deserve your sloppy seconds and thirds; they deserve to be with someone who just wants to be with THEM, to be someone's one and only, they don't deserve your sorry ass!  Are you such a chicken shit liar that you cannot just tell people "hey look I am sleeping with a whole bunch of other people, you mean nothing to me and I'll be lucky to remember your name in the morning".  What's the matter slick, huh? think people won't fall for that smoothe pick up line?  No, I guess they wouldn't.  One day you're going to screw the wrong person over and they are going to light your world up with one weapon.  TRUTH  ever heard of it?  Nope, didn't think so.

I hope my friend calls your wife or Facebooks her or writes her a letter to your home address and tells her just what kind of low down, dirty, piece of pond scum she had the misfortune of marrying.  Then I hope your wife takes you for every dime of your paycheck for child support and alimony and then goes and meets the REAL love of her life, and my best friend can one day look at what's left of your pathetic self and laugh and say "yeah that was a real low point glad I found out who he really was before he hurt me any further".

I'm glad I never met you, you better hope we never do.

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