Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Marked and Beginnings

Don't you just love the beginning when you meet someone and you're talking and the conversation or texts just flow, like there is no work involved and then you meet in person and it's even better because not only does time fly without you taking any notice of it but the person across from you is so incredibly easy on the eyes that they literally take your breath away?  Where at any other time you are articulate and clever but in their presence your lucky to string two cohesive and structured sentences together?  Bonus points for smelling amazing to by the way; and when you look at them it's like they are almost perfect, the whole package right?  Outfit is perfect, nice smile that is genuine and when they speak you are hanging on every word because you don't want to miss anything.  This kind of fantastic being has flaws of course but you don't see them right now, all you see is nothing but yummy goodness.  This is the fun part; when they touch you for the first time, even if it's just a really; really; nice hug that you wish would last at least another five minutes.  You're excited to see their number on your phone, to hear their voice on the line; to be in their presence because when you are your body is all lit up inside, and you feel incredible, and you know you want to feel like this early, and often.  It's hard not to get wrapped up in that, to want to delve into that heavenly place and stay there.  You write awful prosaic prose and know better than to deem it poetry.  But this is the fun part, enjoy it, revel in it, and hope it lasts and lasts.

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