Monday, February 4, 2013

Kiss the cook

This weekend was one of the better I've had, and that is saying something.  I slept in my new bed Friday night, and last night was night three and I will admit freely that I went from being in nauseating pain to no pain whatsoever in my back.  I busted up my left knee and heel somehow but my back feels like I am 16 again!  Thank you God for granting me the wisdom to invest in my comfort.  It's easier to be pleasant when you're not operating on only a few hours of fitful sleep and in massive pain all the time.

Mr. Darcy is handling the move ok and is just really sticking to my side, Sookie however is alternating between hiding up in the chair to running around like nothing has changed, so I hope they settle down and get comfortable soon.

I look around my new home and feel like I can't believe it's all mine.  I still need to hang pictures and the mirror but other than that I am completely unpacked and organized and am looking forward to making some happy memories there.

As you all know my home team lost the Super Bowl last night, but we'll do better next year!  I made a few new recipes yesterday like the stuffed bread bowl.  I also tried my hand at baking sour cream, cream cheese, and crispy crumbled bacon in a bread bowl and it was AMAZING!

I do my final walk-through at my old apartment tonight after work so I have faith that will go well.  That's all for now.

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