If I say I love you, that's what I feel. If I say I miss you, THAT's what I feel. If I say I have faith in you, it's because I do. If I tell you I was honest, and never lied, take it as fact, I have no reason or motivation for lying to you, if I let you into my heart, my life, my soul, trust me it's a big deal, because there are only a select few who can say as much. I am passionate and I am a fighter, always have been, always will be. I am strong and there is nothing you can do to me that hasn't already been done, that I haven't already survived or overcome. Take that as a good thing, I'll forgive you when you break my heart, or when you let me down, because I know what it is to be human, because guess what, so am I. To err is human...Don't judge me or look down on me because you aren't better than I am, and I am no better than you; we are equals, we're all equals. Don't worry about me and mine, worry about you and yours. You do you, I'll do me. I am not a quitter, I am perseverance personified, I am diligent, and I love fiercely and I am loyal, ask any of my friends if there isn't anything I won't do for them if it is within my power to do so. I've only ever been in love in my life once, that is saying a lot; life is not a game I am playing, I have a purpose and a point and I won't allow anyone to waste my time, and I won't waste yours, it's disrespectful.
Part of the reason why I enjoy you in my life. You are real. =)