Monday, January 13, 2014


As I sit in my recliner in my room I hear the sounds of the freeway and the city at large, and think back to when I was in Helena on the deck of my friends house and noted that there, I could hear silence if that makes sense.  As I walked down her stairs she has a wall of windows out into the forest beyond and it was fun to stand still and look for the deer that blended so well with the winter foliage.  Alright, so since I gave my living room set to my dear friend I had to get something to replace it, and last night they delivered my new set which will be complete tomorrow night once they deliver the chair that reclines and the ottoman to match just in time for my 49ers football watch party where I hope my home team makes it into the Super Bowl! 

It's not like I am some die hard football fan but that team represents my mom and dad and my hometown to me.  My mom never missed a game and the last thing I remember doing with my dad is going to the 49ers parade in downtown San Francisco and it was a blast.

Back to my trip to Helena, when I drove from the airport to Billie's house I knew that I would love to live there, that I could be happy there I also knew if the money wasn't right at the hospital I COULDN'T move there.  I just got a 5% raise on the first at NSI and they couldn't match it.  I tried not to factor in anyone or anything and just prayed on it, and let God's will be done and so there it is. I will visit as often as I can but I am staying put in Tulsa and letting things blossom and grow organically and I am trying to stay out of my own way.

I get wrapped up in a book and realize I am not OUT there, I am staying in and being comfy and just enjoying the peace and quiet I worked so hard for all my life.

Christopher will be 21 this year and I broke down and called his parents in hopes that they will give me an update.  I miss him.

More later....

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