Thursday, August 30, 2012

Secret Santa/Secret Sister/Secret Pal/Secret Buddy Form

I looked all over the internet today for my office's secret sister form and came up with nothing that didn't require a download of some sort or a pdf reader so I made my own and will post it here for others to copy and paste; I hope this helps.


Secret Pal

Please provide your secret pal with some insight into what you like, you do not have to answer every question but the more information provided the better your pal will be able to get you something suited especially for you; have fun with it!

·       Name__________________________________
·       DOB_____________________________
·       Dietary restrictions______________________
·       Allergies________________________________
·       Wedding Anniversary________________________
·       Hobbies__________________________
·       Collect things__________________
·       Do you own an eBook (Kindle/Nook/etc or iPad or do you like paperbacks (please specify which exact kind) if so for gift certificate purchases___________________________
·       Have you set up a free Amazon wish list in your name and if so what is the web address____________________________
·       Bath and Body Works body scents or collections_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
·       Yankee Candles you enjoy_______________________________________________________________________________________________
·       Do you have a DVD player or Blu-Ray or both_______________________________________________
·       Any t.v. series seasons you want but don’t have yet?___________________________________________
·       Any movies you want to own but don’t have___________________________________________________________________________________
·       Favorite fast food place for gift cards____________________
·       What movie theaters do you frequent for gift certificates Cinemark/AMC/etc________________________________
·       Do you Starbucks or QT for your coffee for gift certificates___________________________________
·       Theme/color kitchen____________________
·       Theme bathrooms_____________________________
·       Theme living room______________________
·       Would you enjoy items from Mardel Christian Store_________________
·       Do you knit or crochet or sew____________________
·       Favorite perfume/cologne______________________
·       Favorite soda_______________________
·       Favorite college team/s also baseball caps or visors & one size fits all or fitted or clasp or?__________________________________________________________________________
·       Favorite professional teams____________________
·       Favorite hard candies________________________
·       Favorite chocolate bar_____________________
·       Sweet or sour candies______________________
·       Favorite chips________________________
·       Favorite donut____________________________
·       Sausage rolls or McMuffins____________________
·       Specialty water (Nestle/Fuji/Smart)__________________
·       Christmas tree ornament theme or color scheme_______________________
·       Favorite adult beverage or abstain_______________________

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this~ You saved me hours!!! :)
