Saturday, August 24, 2024

Lover’s Point, Pacific Grove

 *At Lovers Point, Pacific Grove*

In the hush before dawn’s first light, we stand  

Where earth meets the endless swell of the sea,  

The fog, like a scholar’s ancient cloak, enfolds  

Each whisper of wind, each breath we release.

Pippin at my side, sentinel of the dawn,  

His soft coat gathers the chill of the mist,  

Yet in his eyes, a warmth that defies  

The cold—steady as the tide’s eternal pull.

Above, the gulls cry, spectral voices  

In the gray, their wings tracing histories  

Of cliffs and coastlines, a cartography  

Of salt and spray, ancient and ever new.

The seals call, distant echoes of life beneath,  

Where kelp forests sway in rhythms only the deep  

Can know. The air is thick with the scent of the brine,  

And something sweeter—yeast and warmth, a promise

Of fresh bread, of coffee brewed in quiet kitchens,  

Where day’s labor awaits, but not yet, not yet.  

Here, we linger, suspended in the sacred  

Embrace of place and moment, the world distilled

To fog, to scent, to sound—an erudite discourse  

Of nature’s own design, a lesson in simplicity  

And splendor, where even the most eloquent  

Words fall silent, humbled by the sea’s soft roar.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Life and profound loss

It's been a month! Mr. Darcy passed away, and Sookie St. James passed away less than a month later. The three of us spent over 14 happy years together. I am coming from a space of gratitude instead of sadness. My cats were there for me in every difficult moment, losing family and life events. I feel like I gave them the best life a cat could want. I loved them with all my heart, and I miss them immensely. If you've ever lost a pet, you know exactly what it feels like. I took this video of my new Gilroy, CA apartment, which seems too quiet sometimes in their absence. I turned 50 on Tuesday, and I enjoyed the day as much as one can when they're missing their two best friends, (Sookie and Darcy), but also Angie, Dawn, Tamara, and Don, and Shawn). Every day I feel like I am healing a bit more than I was the day before. Doing everything the healthy way, the hard and healthy way. Processing the pain and loss instead of putting it off to another day that never seems to come.

I'm spending a large amount of time out on the coast at PG, or Pacific Grove for those not in the know. My best pal and brother from another mother, Coburn and I are exploring every nook and cranny of the beloved coast we grew up next to. 

Dating when you're newly 50 has proved, interesting, to say the very least. California men are unique creatures. I was born and raised here, but I left 30 years ago, and things have changed, significantly. Some men take issues with a woman if she eats meat, carbs, gluten or fruits and vegetables that did not fall dead from the tree or vine of their own accord. Also, the fact that I possess and carry a firearm is an issue to some as well. 

When I moved to Gilroy, (Santa Clara County), I had to surrender my active Madera County CCW, and apply for this counties CCW, and just to get the initial interview was 8 months of not carrying as I was out and about at all hours of night and day alone. I had my interview and passed that again, then passed the background check again, and this Friday I have my psych eval online that is supposed to last 4-6 hours, and after passing that again, I will be on the last step which is to qualify at the gun range again. This will be the third CCW I have obtained. I think by now the Department of Justice knows I am a fully trained, and responsible, and extremely law-abiding citizen. I am thinking about competing in range competitions I've gotten so adept at this hobby.

All in all, I am taking everything in stride, and savoring every moment life has to offer. With friends I've had since high school, and new friends I've met along the way, and I have high hopes for brighter days to come. I'm even pondering getting a long-haired miniature dachshund, that I've already decided to name Petrichor, male or female.

If I could offer some unsolicited device, never miss an opportunity to love your people, pets and moments to their utmost; and never, ever, miss an opportunity to laugh at yourself, and at the absurdity of the moment, and with your beloved friends and family. I have so many happy memories, and even more to make. Miles to go before I sleep.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024



So productive today! My bestie came by and we ran to get food in the rain. Getting ready for work tomorrow.

Monday, January 1, 2024



A blissfully, quiet day, uneventful, but quite productive. Nothing too incredibly exciting. Rest relaxation a little bit of laundry, put on a nice roast should be ready in a couple of hours. I enjoy meal prep nothing exciting on the agenda for tomorrow, really nothing until Friday morning. Saying prayers that everything goes well at my 930 meeting. I’m thinking of the Japanese after their 7.6 earthquake, and impending tsunami.